What's the difference between a wild pig and a wild hog?


What's the difference between a wild pig and a wild hog?

What's the difference between a wild pig and a wild hog?


When it comes to hunting in Florida, one of the most thrilling and challenging experiences is hunting wild pigs or hogs. These large and ferocious animals can be found rampaging through the Florida wilderness and can pose a threat to both people and wildlife. However, it's important to know the difference between a wild pig and a wild hog before embarking on a hunting trip. In this blog post, we'll discuss the distinguishing features of these animals and provide some tips for hunting them. If you're looking for a thrilling hog hunt in Orlando, FL, Switchgrass Outfitters is the outfitter you need to contact.


1. Size and Weight

The primary difference between a wild pig and a wild hog is their size and weight. Wild pigs are generally smaller in size, weighing around 100-200 pounds. On the other hand, wild hogs can weigh anywhere from 300-400 pounds or more. This difference in size and weight makes hogs far more challenging to hunt than pigs.

2. Appearance

Another difference between wild pigs and wild hogs is their appearance. Wild pigs tend to have a more streamlined body shape and smaller heads. Wild hogs have a thicker and bulkier appearance, with a wider and more pronounced snout. Hogs also have a thicker layer of fat under their skin, which acts as a layer of protection and makes them challenging to kill.

3. Behavior

Wild pigs and hogs also have different behavioral patterns. Pigs tend to be more docile and less aggressive, preferring to run away rather than confront their attackers. Hogs, on the other hand, are more aggressive and can pose a greater threat to hunters. They may charge or attack if they feel threatened, which makes them even more challenging to hunt than pigs.

4. Hunting Tips

Hunting both wild pigs and wild hogs requires skill and experience. For pigs, traditional hunting methods such as still hunting or stalking can be effective. For hogs, it's recommended to use hunting dogs to track and flush them out of their hiding spots. Additionally, hogs are typically hunted at night using specialized equipment such as scopes or night vision goggles.

5. Hunting Ethics

It's important to remember that hunting both wild pigs and wild hogs should be done ethically and responsibly. These animals are a vital part of the ecosystem and play an important role in maintaining balance in the environment. It's essential to follow all hunting regulations and guidelines and only take ethical shots to ensure that the animal is killed quickly and humanely.



In conclusion, knowing the difference between wild pigs and wild hogs is essential when planning a hunting trip. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, hunting these animals requires preparation, skill, and patience. If you're looking for the best hog hunts in Orlando, FL, Switchgrass Outfitters is the outfitter you need to contact. With years of experience and knowledge of the local wildlife, our team of professional hunting guides will provide you with an unforgettable hunting experience. Contact us today to book your next hunting trip.

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